mandag den 8. november 2010


It all started in March 1968, when Martin Luther went to Memphis, Tennesse, to support striking Black sanitation workers. They were striking because they got treated much worse than White sanitation workers, lower wages, bad working conditions, etc..
On April 3, 1968, the first sign of his assasination happened, when his plane home was delayed, because of a bomb threat. So, off course, he went back and stayed at a hotel in Memphis. That was a bad decision. On April 4, 1968, the biggest channel in USA, "CBS", had just started the evening news at 6:00 PM and at 6:01 PM they got a "special bulletin." It sounded like this: "Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennesse. The Police have issued an all points bulletin for a young white man, seen running from the scene. Officers also reportedly chased and fired on a car, containing two white men. Dr. King was standing on the balcony of his second floor hotel room tonight, when, according to an companion, shots were fired from accros the street, in the friends words, the bullet exploded in his face. Police, who have been keeping a close watch over the Nobel-prize winner, because of Memphis' turbulent racial situation, were on the scene almost immediately. They rushed the 39 year old negro leader to the hospital, where he died of a bullet wound in the neck. Police said they found an hunting riffel about a block from the hotel, but it was not immediately idendified as the murder weapon. Mayor, Henry Lupe, has reinstaded the dusk-to-dawn corfue he imposed on the city last week, when a march, lead by Dr. King, interrupted in violence. Guvernor, Bufert Ellington, has called out 4 Thousand national guardsmen and the Police has reported that the murder has touched off many acts of violence, in the negro section of the city. Dr. King had returned to Memphis only yesterday determined to prove that he could lead a peacefull mass march in support of striking sanitation workers, most of whom are negros."

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