It all started on April 20th, 2010, I won't go into to too many details, but basically there was a gas leak, while the company "BP" were
drilling for oil. At about 10 PM, a huge explosion occurred, killing 11 workers. The deepwater horizon, which the platform that they were
drilling for oil is called, ignited into flames. After burning for about 36 hours, in which there were numerous attempts at stopping the fire, the platform sank into the
gulf of Mexico. The oil leak itself was discovered on April 22th, two days after the accident, it was discovered that there was a large oil slick at the former drill sight.
On April 24th, the story was confirmed, and they said there was about 10000 barrels a day flowing out. Obviously no one has the official numbers. It wasn't taken so serious at the start, since it wasn't exactly the first oil spill. The oil spread was increased by a lot because of strong winds. On the 1st of June, Oil began washing up on a beach in Florida, which caused a lot of concern. Florida is obviously a big tourist area, mainly because of their beaches, and if their beaches were polluted, they were going to loose a lot of tourists. Oil kept appearing on more and more beaches in Florida areas, during the summer of 2010. Tarballs, which is basically a big "ball" of oil, also had started appearing. Luckily, a lot of volunteer workers helped clean up beaches, which helped a lot. On July 15th 2010, the oil leak was finally stopped. What they did, was they capped the wellhead,
the wellhead being the surface of an oil well. This hereby stopped the biggest oil spill in recorded history, releasing about 4.9 million barrels of oil.
The spill obviously affected a lot of people, a lot of people lost their job, 11 people died, the Mexican Gulf got polluted and it also affected wildlife habitats.
The people that lost their job, were obviously people working at hotels near by the polluted beaches, and the company "BP" fired a lot of people to keep their budget straight. Because "BP" were named responsible for the spill, so they had or have to pay all the cleanup cost and other damages. "BP" later admitted the mistake.
The spill, since it polluted the Mexican Gulf, also affected fishing industries. Areas where the Mexican Gulf went out too, were big fishing areas and on April 29th, after finding out about the spill, an emergency fishing was done. With the areas still being polluted today, a lot of fishermen lost their jobs. A lot of people living by the Mexican Gulf have also had illness believed to be caused by the spill, since they were living in areas where there had even been reports of it raining oil.
In January of 2011, the reason of the accident was found. The White House put out a report saying "BP had been trying to work more cheaply and thus helped trigger the explosion and the ensuing leakage." Basically saying that BP had been trying to save some money, so they were to blame. So, if companies like "BP" want to assure it not happening again, they can't save money, and they have to be more observant of smaller problems.
onsdag den 13. april 2011
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